Friday, September 15, 2006

The legal need for a Risk Assessment

The Charities Commission says that, unlike their Commercial Trustee counterparts, Charity Trustees are normally not as involved in the day to day management and operations of their charities.

It was felt a legal requirement was needed to encourage Charity Trustees to look ahead and visualize possible risks their charities might face and to develop steps to minimize their danger and then REPORT this in WRITING to the Charities Commission.

EuroDM and DRF Group, with the help of charities who have completed their own Risk Assessments and by consulting with lawyer's specializing in this area, has developed a new Guide that can be a roadmap in meeting the New requirements of SORP 2000 and updated with the 2005 additions.

Get your FREE copy online direct from the DRF Group website at: FREE copy available at

Before your Trustees get into trouble for failing to notify the Charities Commission, you may want to read this new guide - Risk Assessment, A Trustee's Responsibilities under SORP 2000, and include your Risk Assessment Report with your next Annual Report to the Charities Commission.

You MUST tell the Charities Commission that you have determined what your major Risks are and what steps you are taking to deal with them! Features of the new Guide include:* Justification for the new requirement* What is the Legal requirement to assess risk* How to assess risk* Deciding what action to take* Need for keeping risks under review*

Writing a Risk Assessment report

Find out how easy it is to meet the legal requirements of SORP 2000 at NO COST, visit the web site


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